Life Leadership: 3 Ways to Excel Outside the Workplace

You – yes, you reading this – you are a leader. You may know it and identify that way. You may consider leadership one of your strengths. On the other hand, you might consider yourself the farthest thing from a leader. But in reality, everyone has influence. No matter who you are, no matter where you serve, no matter what you do, you have influence with the people around you. You build this influence with your character, your actions, and your willingness to add value to others. Even though you may not have a position of influence, you are in a position to influence. And that makes you a leader.
And let me tell you, you are needed more than ever.
In our modern culture, there is a leadership vacuum. We are desperate for good leaders. The world needs men and women of character and integrity willing to step up to the plate and lead others well. But too often we talk about leadership skills as if they’re only applicable in the workplace. It’s almost like we think people only need to be led when they’re at work – but nothing could be further from the truth! People need leadership in all aspects of life.
So, where do you begin?
3 Dimensions of Personal Leadership
I see three areas where our society is in desperate need of fully-formed leaders:
No matter what kind of family you have, you need to lead it well. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve come across a superstar business leader whose family was in shambles. And why?
Because there was no leadership at home.
I think being a leader at home is as important as being a leader at work. In fact, your home and family is probably the biggest sphere of influence you have as a leader. It’s where you will find the most teachable moments, the most opportunities for growth, and the most potential for developing other leaders who can help shape the world. It’s also the place where you can see – and savor – your greatest success.
A few weeks ago, author Randy Gravitt wrote about this very subject for our blog. Read his post when you have a few minutes; he literally wrote the book on influential leadership in the home.
There are hundreds of people who live within minutes of you who struggle with life. They wonder if they have a purpose. They worry how they might pay their bills. They dream of things that could make the community stronger, if only someone would listen. To put it bluntly, there are hundreds of people in your corner of the world who are looking for a leader to help take them to the next level.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to start a non-profit organization or try to become a one-person army for doing good. In fact, it begins where all leadership begins: by valuing people. Just like you invest in the people who share your office space, look for ways to value the people you run into on a day-to-day basis near your home.
Smile at folks. Give them a friendly wave. Hold doors for people. Tip generously when you’re in a local restaurant. Make a positive impact within your community, and others will follow your lead.
If you live in the U.S. – or even if you don’t – you’ll know we have an election coming up in just a few days. And these are divided times we are living in. I’m not going to get into politics the way most people would expect. But I will say one thing: The most important decision you make in the coming weeks is not who you vote for, but how you treat people. It communicates volumes about a leader.
But even outside of a major election season, when I talk about leading your government, I’m thinking of a few simple, yet effective ways you can influence how things work at the local, state, and national level.
The most obvious way of leading your government is by exercising your right to vote. Leadership is influence, and voting is one of the most influential things you can do. And as a good leader, you need to exercise that right. But you also have influence through your voice. You can email your representatives, make a phone call, and in some cases utilize social media to make your thoughts known to those who are elected to represent you. And you should.
After all, you wouldn’t sit by silently and watch your company struggle, would you? So, why wouldn’t you use your voice when it comes to local and national government?
Being a high road leader is about more than just leading well in your office. It’s about being a leader in all areas of your life. It’s about looking at your home, your community and your country with a leader’s eye – seeking places where you can add value to others to help make things better. You have the potential to change so much more than the team you lead or the place you work.
You have the potential to change the world. And my hope is that you will.
Leadership is influence. What kind of impact are you having on your world?
Today, John Maxwell is one of the world’s foremost leadership experts – and the one decision that made that possible was his choice to embrace personal growth. Are you investing daily in your development? The Maxwell Leadership Growth Plan is your premier tool for consistent improvement in life and leadership. Sign up for your 7-day free trial today and join John for a live teaching and Q&A call on November 6th!
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