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Let’s Change the World Together.

Every positive change the world has ever seen – big or small – started with a change-maker, just like you, taking the first step. At the Maxwell Leadership Foundation, we provide free, donor-funded resources to help you transform yourself, your school or organization, your community, and even your entire country. We believe that together – one step at a time – we really can change the world for the better.

Our Impact


million adults


million youth



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Get Involved


Change the World, Starting with Your Own

True transformation always starts on the inside. By leading one of our Transformation Tables you’ll unite with a group of fellow change-makers focused on values-based leadership and, as John C. Maxwell says, “Becoming better on the inside than on the outside” – ready to turn good intentions into powerful action.


Start Transforming Your Community and Country

Are you ready to create powerful, positive change in your community or even an entire nation? We can help you implement the proven Maxwell Transformation Process™ to convene the right leaders and build real momentum around a shared transformation agenda.


Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Tomorrow’s leaders are in our classrooms today. Through our peer-to-peer iLead youth leadership program, students discover Maxwell Leadership’s values-based, people-centric leadership principles, define the type of leader they want to be, and learn to put their new leadership skills to work in the real world – driving powerful, positive change around them.


Support Powerful, Positive Change

None of our work can happen without generous donor support. By donating now, you help bring effective, values-driven leadership into more communities, and get to watch your dollars turn into lasting impact, changing lives all over the world.

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Changing the World: One Life, One Action, One Community at a Time

There’s no better way to understand our work than to understand the impact it made on one young person in need.
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2.4 million participants to date

Launched in 2013 with 200 coaches training 20,000 adults, we have helped millions of adults and youth in Guatemala learn and live out Maxwell’s values-based, people-centric leadership principles. These growing leaders of all ages have multiplied their impact in all spheres of influence through a peer-to-peer process that focuses on self-reflection, self-evaluation and a commitment to one small action each week to live out the values being studied.


790,000 participants to date

We applied what we learned in Guatemala when we launched Transformation Paraguay in 2016, accelerating the program’s progress and reaching youth and adults in all spheres of influence with invitations to Transformation Tables and a focus on improving education across the country.

Costa Rica

295,000 participants to date

Transformation Costa Rica launched in 2018 with a goal to get 500,000 people to participate in 100,000 Transformation Tables to strengthen universal values and promote six principles for intentional living. Our Transformation Tables in Costa Rica span all spheres of influence with a focus on local community development through a peer-to-peer process that focuses on self-reflection, self-evaluation and a commitment to one small action each week.

Dominican Republic

24,000 participants to date

Word of the Maxwell Leadership Foundation’s transformation impact preceded our launch in the Dominican Republic, so we arrived in November 2021 to a sense of expectancy. More than 200 coaches joined us in training 24,000 adults to go back to their organizations as facilitators of Transformation Tables that would explore values-based, people-centric leadership development.

United States

1,000+ participants to date

We recently brought the lessons of our work abroad back to several communities in the United States, from Texas to New York. Longview, Texas was the first U.S. community to launch a Maxwell Leadership Foundation transformation engagement. Initiated in November 2020 amid the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, we immediately saw overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants who experienced personal transformation. Today, the Longview community – living up to its name – has committed to engaging 10,000 participants over time and working to help 400 single-parent households achieve housing security.
