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Maxwell Leadership Podcast: The Leader’s Greatest (Part 1)

July 7, 2021
Maxwell Leadership Podcast: The Leader’s Greatest (Part 1)

How would it help your leadership if someone were to share with you the greatest benefits and dangers a leader faces? If you’re thinking it would make a significant difference to you, then you’re in luck.

This week on the podcast, John brings us the first five of the greatest things that can happen to a leader: the leader’s greatest victory, the leader’s greatest asset, the leader’s greatest weight, the leader’s greatest discipline, and the leader’s greatest handicap.

After John’s teaching, Mark Cole and Jason Brooks spend time going deep on two of John’s points—it’s a session of application that’s unlike anything you’ve heard from them before.

This episode is the first of three on this topic, so you’ll definitely want to keep track of what’s being taught. Fortunately, our BONUS resource for this series is the Leader’s Greatest Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”


Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 by John C. Maxwell

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The John Maxwell Online Store

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Maxwell Leadership Podcast