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Answer the Call of Leadership–Live2Lead 2020 Virtual Event

By John C. Maxwell | September 1, 2020
Answer the Call of Leadership–Live2Lead 2020 Virtual Event

Over the past several months, as we’ve all negotiated and navigated our way through the Coronavirus pandemic, one thing has become exceedingly clear:

If you’re going to survive, you must adapt.

If you’re in leadership, it doesn’t take you long to learn that lesson. But decades in, some leaders forget. Some feel like they’ve reached the end of the road, achieved all they want or need to achieve, and they suddenly find themselves relearning old lessons—only this time, the lessons cost more to learn.

That’s certainly been the case for some leaders this year. They’ve been caught flatfooted in the face of Covid-19, their lack of growth and development suddenly on display for everyone to see. Whether its through bad decisions or a lack of leadership support, times like the past few months reveal the truth that leaders who stop learning stop leading.

Since the opening lines of my 2018 book Leadershift, I’ve spoken passionately about the leadership deficit, how we need to raise up more and better leaders to create a better world.

I’ve shared this message all over the globe, and our Enterprise has seen tremendous response, but our voice alone has not been enough to turn the tide. Now, with everything that’s happened in 2020, it seems as if the world itself is calling out for everyone to step up to the plate and lead the way.

That’s why today I am excited to share one of the biggest announcements in our Enterprise’s history:

For the first time ever, Live2Lead—our annual leadership development event—will be virtual!

I am excited to bring you this news, especially since yesterday we just completed our first-ever virtual International Maxwell Certification for The John Maxwell Team. With our largest single attendance for an IMC, the choice to go virtual was continually confirmed and affirmed by the comments and interaction we saw between attendees. Now, we are building on that success to bring you Live2Lead!

Our team has worked diligently to bring this event to your home or office, your laptop or phone, and they’ve done so because this year it is critical for more leaders to invest in themselves and developing the leaders around them. They are convinced that 2020 is the year for leaders of all stripes to answer the world’s call to lead.

Whether it’s through Alan Mullaly’s message of how strategic leadership rescued the Ford brand from bankruptcy; in Kat Cole’s message of how the chaos and circumstances of life honed her heart and hustle in leadership; through my discussion with Steve Harvey about the need for men and women capable of communicating clearly to mobilize a generation to greatness; or through the urgent and practical teaching of my friend, Craig Groeschel.

Our global crisis is revealing unending opportunities for each of us to answer the world’s call to be agents of change for the good, and Live2Lead will echo and amplify that call.

That’s why today we’re bringing back our Leadership When It Matters Most video series, featuring some of the best messages and speakers from Live2Lead’s history. For the next five weeks, we’ll release a talk that speaks not only to our time, but to the caliber of teachers you’ll encounter at Live2Lead.

We’re also launching a podcast series that I’m incredibly excited about that will feature interviews with Kat Cole and Steve Harvey, as well as some behind-the-scenes conversations with myself and Mark Cole. Plus, we’ll release two bonus episodes featuring two of my best Live2Lead talks.

We’re doing all of this because we want to add value to you and see you grow in your leadership.

Starting today, you can secure your virtual pass for Live2Lead 2020 and join the tens of thousands of leaders who have heard the call to lead. You’ll not only gain access to this year’s event broadcast on October 9th, you’ll also get immediate access to all of the 2019 Live2Lead general sessions from Marcus Buckingham, Rachel Hollis, Chris Hogan and Angela Ahrendts.

This is the year that you need to invest in your leadership and in the development of leaders around you. The world has shown us the desperate need for men and women of good values and good character to stand up and show the way forward.

2020 has proven that we can no longer expect to move forward by staying where we are. That’s why I am inviting you to join us for Live2Lead 2020 and to become a leader who will change your world.

Leaders, the world is calling and we’re answering that call by bringing the best leadership development event of the year straight to you, wherever you are. All you need to do is visit to learn more or secure your seat.

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10 thoughts on "Answer the Call of Leadership–Live2Lead 2020 Virtual Event"

  • Dan Williams says: September 1, 2020 at 8:36 am

    Thank you John

  • Christine Behl says: September 16, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    I am really looking forward to this!!!

  • Deberious S Wafula says: September 17, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    Im looking foward to enrich myself knowledgewise from your presentation

  • IBRAHIM NGUGI GATIMU says: October 2, 2020 at 7:04 am

    Thanks a lot for great efforts to reach out despite the challenges. Value based leadership is the way forward.

  • Anna says: October 3, 2020 at 3:01 am

    I should share this post with our friends!

  • KEKE MOKHELE says: October 8, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    I am ready to change the situation around me

  • Dougie says: October 9, 2020 at 2:59 pm

    Live to lead was WAYYYY too churchy…. killed it for a lot of people

  • Jason Brooks says: October 21, 2020 at 11:31 am

    Dougie–thanks for your comment. We want to make Live2Lead a valuable tool for everyone, so on behalf of the team, I’m sorry this year’s event didn’t meet your expectations. John’s faith is and has always been a significant piece of his leadership, but we understand and value those who aren’t on that faith journey. What could we do next year to make the event better for you? Was there a specific instance that you felt was too “churchy”?

  • Ms Sally Hamilton says: November 20, 2020 at 11:47 am

    Thank you for your book 3 things successful people do…..I’m learning a lot as I start over leading my dream to victory. I have written two books so far, I have two degrees but I really want to be a success with all things books.

  • Marshall Black says: January 23, 2021 at 10:40 am

    Hello, I signed up for the L2L leadership lesson & received my note pad & coffee cup. Thank you, however I had a last minute staff meeting and missed the session. Is there a way I can watch it now ? Can you send me a link or something to give me access to watch the session.

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

    Marshall Black

    PS, I just finished the 5K walk !!!

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