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Mark Cole: Can We Change the World?

By Mark Cole | June 21, 2019
Mark Cole: Can We Change the World?

Is it really possible for us to change the world?

What a big question! Have you ever thought about it?

John Maxwell and I are on a worldwide trip for the next few weeks with eight different stops, literally all over the globe, adding value to leaders who influence hundreds of thousands of people.

As we think about all the opportunities we have been blessed with, we are struck by one thing, above all else: the strength of the leaders that we are surrounded by.

A lot of people talk about changing the world. I think it’s a hope of every leader—at least on some level—to have the opportunity to influence change, to be a part of a transformational movement.

Gang, let me tell you, from where I sit today, we aren’t just talking about transformation anymore; we are living it.

I believe that we are positioned now in such a way where we can truly accomplish transformation in countries and in the world. And to say I’m excited about it would be an understatement!

In John Maxwell’s most recent book, Leadershift: 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, he describes this shift as the most important: The Impact Shift: Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders.

John believes this is the most important shift you can make because it will bring the greatest change to your life and the lives of those around you.

But you have to understand something first:

Transformation will not happen around you until it first happens inside you.

In other words, you need to be transformational before you challenge others to transform. John says it this way, “As leaders, you and I have to be changed to bring change. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.”

In the book, John helps distinguish between trained leaders and transformational leaders:

  • Trained leaders know how to lead – transformational leaders know why they lead.
  • Trained leaders are liked – transformational leaders are contagious.
  • Trained leaders ask people to follow them – transformational leaders ask people to make a difference.
  • Trained leaders love to lead – transformational leader love the people they lead.
  • Trained leaders help people – transformational leaders help people change.
  • Trained leaders impact a few – transformational leaders impact many.

My friends, there is a leadership vacuum in our world today. And it is growing wider by the minute. It is time for us to rise up with resources that teach good values—values that have been proven throughout generations to bring transformation into peoples lives.

Values like:

  • Attitude
  • Commitment
  • Competence
  • Forgiveness
  • Initiative
  • Integrity
  • Personal Growth
  • Priorities
  • Relationships
  • Work Ethic

Jim Collins said, “Transformational movements require transformational leaders.”

Well, here we are. We have the resources. We have the opportunities. And we have the team.

I just have one question: Are you ready?

It all begins with one person awake.

One man awake, awakens another.

The second awakens his next-door brother.

The tree awake can rouse a town

By turning the whole place upside down.

The many awake can cause such a fuss

It finally awakens the rest of us.

One man up with dawn in his eyes

Surely then multiplies.

– Lawrence Tribble

We can change the world, together.

Join us. You can take your first step at the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation website.

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3 thoughts on "Mark Cole: Can We Change the World?"

  • Tony Lynch says: June 23, 2019 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks Mark for sharing this. A great challenge and reminder as you share the following:
    Transformation will not happen around you until it first happens inside you.

    In other words, you need to be transformational before you challenge others to transform. John says it this way, “As leaders, you and I have to be changed to bring change. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.”

    We are all a work in progress.

  • Tony Lynch says: June 23, 2019 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks Mark for sharing this. A great challenge and reminder as you share the following:
    Transformation will not happen around you until it first happens inside you.

    In other words, you need to be transformational before you challenge others to transform. John says it this way, “As leaders, you and I have to be changed to bring change. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.”

    We are all a work in progress.

  • Alix Charles says: March 23, 2020 at 6:29 am

    Good morning Marc, Thanks for enlightening us. I am a transformer in process, I am a in a deep, deeper stage of transforming, very spiritual experience indeed. I am hungry and thirsty for more, please feed me and I promise I will feed many in return.
    Alix Charles

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