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Mark Cole: The Value of Listening

By Mark Cole | October 21, 2019
Mark Cole: The Value of Listening

Listening is one of the most valuable tools a leader has in his or her tool belt. Unfortunately, the busier we are and the higher we climb in the organization, the more difficult it becomes to listen.

I love Ralph Waldo Emerson’s attitude, “Every man I meet is in some way my superior, and I can learn from him.” The most influential leaders share this humble perspective and, in turn, never stop growing!

Edgar Watson Howe was joking when he said, “No man would listen to you talk if he didn’t know it was his turn next.” But there’s more truth to that statement then we are willing to admit. Too many leaders have the habit of waiting for their turn to talk rather than actually listening to the other person.

The best listeners share a common goal: to be impressed and interested, rather than impressive and interesting.

I think if we could all be honest, this level of humility is very difficult to share. But the benefits of this approach to our organizations and the people we lead would blow us all away.

So, how do we become better listeners?

In his book, Becoming a Person of Influence, John Maxwell offers nine suggestions that have helped me become a better listener. And I believe they can help you too!

1. Look at the Speaker

It may sound simple, but it’s absolutely the first step to effective listening. Don’t shuffle through papers or your phone while someone is talking to you. Make eye contact and lean in.

2. Don’t Interrupt

It is important to give people the time they need to express themselves. It’s even ok to allow for periods of silence—don’t be afraid of that. It can be very difficult for people to communicate what they are trying to say if they are fearful of being interrupted.

3. Focus on Understanding

The best listeners aren’t the best because they can remember facts about what was said; they are the best because they understand the purpose and meaning of what was said. As Stephen Covey said, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

4. Determine the Need

People talk for so many different reasons. And often times these reasons are different than what you expect. That’s why it’s important to understand the current need of the speaker. This context will help you fully engage as the listener.

5. Check Your Emotions

Just like baggage at an airport, when it comes to listening, your emotions will slow you down in getting to the desired destination. In certain situations, if you know that you might have an emotional reaction to what another person is saying, take a step back and check your emotions. This will help you focus on listening until they are finished speaking.

6. Suspend Your Judgment

You can’t jump to conclusions and be a good listener at the same time. Do your best to wait to hear the other persons full story or perspective before you judge what they mean.

7. Sum Up at Major Intervals

I love this one—it has helped me so much in my listening. When the speaker finishes one primary thought or subject, try to sum up his or her main points before going on to the next one. This will help you understand the speakers message, and will also communicate respect for the speaker.

8. Ask Questions for Clarity

Watch the best reporters on TV and study the way they ask effective questions to help move the conversation along. There is an art to gently asking clarifying questions, and the best listeners have mastered it.

9. Always Make Listening Your Priority

There is a great story about Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, during the height of his career. As the story goes, Walton was flying his plane to Mt. Pleasant, Texas and decided to land one hundred miles away from his destination just so he could spend extra time riding in a Wal-Mart truck and listen to the driver. Walton was not too busy or too big to make time for listening.

Most people are able to hear, but few are able to listen.

I want to encourage you—commit yourself to improve your listening. Maybe for you the first step is to schedule a listening occasion. Set aside one hour this week with the most important person in your life for the sole purpose of listening to them. Give them your full attention and spend less than one-third of the time talking.

As you develop your ability to listen, you will be amazed at the value it adds to your leadership.

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4 thoughts on "Mark Cole: The Value of Listening"

  • Mario Luppino says: October 23, 2019 at 10:41 am

    Mark, this is outstanding advise. We all need to take a few minutes to slow down and just listen to conversations going on around us in the context of these nine points. It is a great way to drive home the point…most folks are not really listening.

  • nomuhle nyoni says: October 24, 2019 at 5:25 am

    Thanks for this amazingly profound advice. Listening is a skill one has to properly master as lack of it causes untold conflict and problems in all relationships.

  • James Williams says: October 28, 2019 at 8:52 am

    Wow! I think I will sit down with each of my kids and say you have my undivided attention. what do you want to say? I want to practice my listening!

  • Alexandr Thoric says: May 4, 2021 at 9:35 am

    In my young age I thought that I wasn’t a good leader because I didn’t like to talk much, but I loved to listen and ask questions.
    After years when I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, I was wondering about the numbers of leaders I have created by listening and by asking questions.
    Later on I’ve realized that I don’t know too much and I need to listen and to learn more, in order to be able ask better questions and grow better leaders.
    Mark, thank you very much for your great article. I enjoy learning from you and from John.

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