What’s so critical about simple, daily practices?

The Rule of 5: it is different for each person and organization. The Rule of 5 is a series of things that you seek to practice EVERY day. Inspired by John Maxwell’s Rule of 5, the team at The John Maxwell Company created its own. This past Friday, we showcased our Rule of 5 on our blog.
The 5 things we practice every day include: Lead, Grow, Create, Excel and Serve. Each of these adds value to our team members and organization. However, without consistently aiming to achieve these 5 things, the Rule of 5 does not foster growth. We must practice The Law of Consistency when it comes to the Rule of 5 in order to benefit.
“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. That’s the Law of Consistency. It doesn’t matter how talented you are. It doesn’t matter how many opportunities you receive. If you want to grow, consistency is key.” 1
This statement rings true for our team. By consistently being reminded of the Rule of 5, it becomes a way of life, as opposed to 5 simple words. We’ve seen great growth within our team since building a Rule of 5 into our framework. Our goal is to inspire, challenge and equip leaders to live out leadership. Our approach is simple, but demands commitment and discipline.
The John Maxwell Co. Rule of 5 creates 5 simple steps and practices to be executed each day to gain momentum in our business.
“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” 2
In The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John writes about the advice of his friend, Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect. The concept highlights the importance of a series of small, smart choices and how completing them consistently over time will result in radical changes.
Consistency is key for growth and transformation. Although it’s not easy, it’s critical for success. John advises to be growth conscious instead of goal conscious. The Rule of 5 represents an opportunity for growth each and every day.
When we practice consistency through the Rule of 5, we succeed. We celebrate consistency in our team and acknowledge when we can improve.
As you think through what you would like to do each day, here are a few ways you can begin to apply The Law of Consistency to your life.
- “Align your methods of motivation with your personality type… Once you have a good handle on what makes your personality type tick, then develop a daily growth system that is simple and plays to your strengths.” 3
- “Make a list of everything you like about personal growth. If your list is very short, really work at it. Anything you can find as motivation will help you to develop better growth habits.” 4
- “The more whys you have for pursuing personal growth on a daily basis, the more likely you will be to follow through. Start compiling those whys. Think of immediate benefits as well as long-term ones… Any reason to grow is a good reason as long as it’s your reason.” 5
These three tips will assist in making consistency a priority in your daily life. As a result, your Rule of 5 will create growth opportunities over time if you execute well each day.
What do you display consistency in? Is it your leadership, your spiritual development, your dedication to your family? We’d love to hear. Share with us below or on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag: #Ruleof5.
Finally, check back next week as we walk through steps and guidelines to create your own Rule of 5.
1 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 69-70
2 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 73
3 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 83
4 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 83
5 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 83
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