Sharon Pflieger

Get to Know Sharon Pflieger
To facilitate The John Maxwell Company’s core courses and coach executives through our most impactful leadership development programs.
Camping, my beloved Blue Heeler and exploring the islands in the low country by boat.
Sharon Plieger has 25+ years of experience in organizational development and is passionate about bringing John C. Maxwell’s teachings to the corporate landscape.
As Coach & Facilitator for The John Maxwell Company, Sharon leads train-the-trainer facilitations of The 360-Degree Leader, 5 Levels of Leadership and Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Style – three bedrocks of the Maxwell learning experience.
Sharon previously served as Director of Gulfstream Aerospace in Savannah, Ga., and as Senior Vice President of Bank of America in Charlotte, N.C. She combines her corporate management background with a true calling to awaken the leader in her executive clients to deliver an all-inclusive development journey.
Sharon earned a Bachelor of Science in English Communications from William Woods University and has completed training as a master coach.