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Executive Podcast #254: Is the Urgent / NOT Important Quadrant Killing Productivity?

August 24, 2023
Executive Podcast #254: Is the Urgent / NOT Important Quadrant Killing Productivity?

You have most likely heard of the Urgent and Important Matrix. It is officially known as the Eisenhower Matrix. The key to your productivity is not getting the most stuff done, but getting the right stuff done. And by “right stuff,” we mean your most important priorities.

But what are we to do with all those urgent tasks that have a funny way of sounding important. To be a high productivity leader you need a system to capture your inputs and determine your priorities.

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To be a Successful Leader, You Need Feedback on Your Leadership.

We’re excited to announce our new and improved Organizational Effectiveness Survey (OES). The OES gathers feedback from employees to give leaders and management the knowledge and action plans needed to develop a more effective and productive work environment. Our new version measures 4 areas of your business: Leadership, People, Strategy, and Performance. 

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