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Maxwell Leadership Podcast: Leadership Expectations

October 25, 2023
Maxwell Leadership Podcast: Leadership Expectations

Many leaders inadvertently let external factors influence their lives. But, when we align our personal expectations for ourselves and others, we chart a course toward realizing the life we’ve envisioned. In this episode, John Maxwell shares insights on the crucial topic of expectations. Following John’s lesson, Mark Cole and Traci Morrow provide practical strategies for you to implement these principles in your life and leadership.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your life must be influenced by your expectations, not your experience.
  • Great leaders set high expectations for themselves and others.
  • Great leaders communicate clearly how those expectations look.

Our BONUS resource for this episode is the “Leadership Expectations Worksheet,” which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by clicking “Download the Bonus Resource” below.


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2 thoughts on "Maxwell Leadership Podcast: Leadership Expectations"

  • Ana Sasmiresan says: October 25, 2023 at 10:59 am

    I love this subject.
    I have a story to share. I coach a VP who came to our coaching calls multiple times frustrated that his team was only achieving 30% of the expectations he had of them. He was very critical of them and doubting that he had the right team. After I coached him through this situation, he owed the fact that his plans were not realistic, he missed critical information when he set the expectations and he actually was setting his team up to fail every single week. And he was sending them home each day feeling “not good enough”, he was hurting them with his approach.
    Leadership is a big responsibility. It’s good to dream big, have big visions and being ambitious (having a bigger pan), but it’s important that we do not set up our teams to fail and then blame them!
    That’s where we have to calibrate, test the plans, validate that the expectations are possible (with a stretch, but possible).
    And if we make mistakes, we have to own it. We have to listen emphatically and with an open heart! Our teams are not coming to work wanting to fail! They want to succeed; and if they are not, we need to find out why!

  • Eric James Newell says: October 27, 2023 at 4:47 am

    I listen just about everyday after my morning devotion and prayer as I am walking my Dog but this one spoke to me even more than others. I have always battled with being accused of having too high of expectations on myself, and that it is often intimidating to others. This episode has once again shown me that I need to work on how I communicate those expectations on others and ensure that i am not expecting of others what I expect of myself. I need to encourage them to expect more of themselves verses them feeling like they need to live up to my expectations just because mine are so high. Thanks and greetings from Germany. “AKA James the German”

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