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Decisions That Resonate All Year

By Tammy Grabowski | January 10, 2024
Decisions That Resonate All Year

As we usher in the new year, a crucial aspect of leadership lies in the strategic decisions we make. Amidst resolutions and reflections, the choices we commit to in the early days of the year often shape the trajectory of success for the months ahead.

A pivotal concept in this journey, advocated by John C. Maxwell, is the principle of “decide once, manage daily.” The essence of this approach is profound—leadership success is not merely about making resolutions, but about the unwavering commitment to managing those decisions daily, ensuring consistent and intentional actions that lead to lasting impact.


Begin by establishing a clear strategy for personal growth. Rather than setting lofty goals, adopt a philosophy of irreducible minimums—small, consistent steps that compound over time. This strategic decision involves a commitment to consistency, recognizing that remarkable results emerge from daily, intentional efforts.


The decision to prioritize health demands a well-thought-out approach. Consider how you’ll adhere to your fitness routine, particularly when faced with adversities such as injuries, inclement weather, or time constraints. The strategic commitment involves managing daily circumstances in alignment with the predetermined decision.


Leading a team requires strategic decisions on team and personal priorities. Avoid daily uncertainty by determining these priorities up front. Simultaneously, cultivate relationships within your team. Designate specific times for meaningful connections, fostering a culture of collaboration and camaraderie.


At the helm of your business, a strategic decision involves the consistent communication of the organizational vision. Prevent relegating this crucial aspect to daily whims by deciding once on a communication strategy. Strategic daily management ensures that the vision remains at the forefront of organizational endeavors.


Strategic decision-making extends to modeling the core values of your organization daily. Strategic alignment between actions and values requires a conscious commitment. Strategic modeling ensures that your actions resonate with and reinforce the core values you seek to instill in your organization.

In essence, the key to leadership success in the new year involves adopting the “decide once, manage daily” strategy. Whether applied to personal growth, health commitments, team priorities, or organizational vision, this approach provides a robust framework for intentional and consistent leadership.

Here’s to a year marked by strategic decisions, daily management, and transformative leadership!

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