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How to Simplify Kids’ Lives Without Making Them Easier

By Tim Elmore | July 10, 2023
How to Simplify Kids’ Lives Without Making Them Easier

Jamie teaches English literature to high school seniors. She’s also a mother of two teens, so she sees the stress levels of young people today from both angles. She knows deep down that kids need a little stress to perform at their best, but she hates witnessing such anxiety in them.

It’s a common narrative: we see students stress out over both big and small issues, and we try to offer them perspective. There’s a part of us that wants to tell them, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. These problems you’re anxious about will be the least of your worries in ten years.” The other part of us, however, feels badly that they’re enduring such stressful times.

Parents feel worried about their stress levels. Teachers feel guilty about their stress levels. We all feel a little confused about exactly how to guide them.


Teachers need not feel guilty for challenging students with tough projects. Teens are ready for meaningful, thought-provoking tasks. These kinds of tasks are important as we prepare students for adulthood. Faculty, staff, and coaches must work, however, to ensure our challenges are clear and simple to understand. Our words compete against Netflix, YouTube, and TikTok. To get through, we must simplify our message and make it crystal clear. Here are some tips to simplify life for them:

  1. Clarify your instruction and assignments with simple language and clear examples.
  2. Don’t give them so much homework that it feels like mere busywork to them.
  3. Offer one significant assignment instead of multiple ones and debrief when complete.
  4. Talk about the difference between “simple” and “easy,” and challenge them to embrace what is difficult. Make your goal, “This is hard to do, but simple to understand.”


Parents need not worry about issuing chores and challenges around the house. I believe every family ought to divide up what needs to happen to function well, and each member receives age-appropriate tasks. What parents must do, however, is work with their teens to clear out unessential messes and busyness. My wife and I did not allow our kids to participate in several extra-curricular activities as teens. They each chose one and had to finish it to move on to something else. Simplify the schedule and commit to it. Here are some tips to do this:

  1. Have them force-rank their favorite media platforms and choose one to spend time on.
  2. Discuss the two-hour rule on social media. This daily limit minimizes anxiety levels.
  3. Have them choose one extracurricular activity each season and commit to it.
  4. Put boundaries on both social and alone time. Teens have varying needs, but limits help.
  5. Talk about the difference between “simple” and “easy,” and challenge them to embrace what is difficult. Make your goal, “This is hard to do, but simple to understand.”


In March of 2022, an underwater drone was used to discover the ship Endurance down on the ocean floor. It had been there a century. The Endurance’s lead expeditioner was Ernest Shackleton, famous for voyaging to the South Pole a century ago on this ship. Shackleton became a leadership legend, beginning with his recruitment ad in the London Times:

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success.

Ernest Shackleton, 4 Burlington Street

Notice that Ernest’s challenge was simple to understand. In fact, undeniably so. He cut to the chase and got straight to the point. There was nothing complicated about his ad. At the same time, he didn’t try to dilute the challenge he offered. The journey would be tough, make no mistake about it. The result? History reveals Shackleton received more than 5,000 responses from men (and a few women) that wanted to take on this challenge.

I believe our younger generations really do want to be challenged by meaningful projects and problems to be solved. What they don’t need is to be overwhelmed with so much information, so many activities, and so much unnecessary busy work that they become flooded. Like Shackleton, let’s help our kids face their challenges by simplifying, but not removing them.

Every kid deserves to be led well.

Wondering how else you can set up the next generation for success?

It helps when you know how to speak their language – how they’re thinking – what they value. Tim Elmore is the country’s leading expert in the emerging generation, and his book A New Kind of Diversity contains everything you need to know about connecting with – and influencing – the young leaders in your life. Pick up a copy here today.

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